Introduction to Perl
Lesson Five
I had some serious issues with the various loop varieties this week and unfortunately just couldn't figure them out enough to make any real sense of them, so I gave up in the end. This course has taught me that Perl is just a little more involved than I honestly feel comfortable with. Hence, I also didn't do the EC.
#Script Week 5 #!usr/bin/perl system "cls"; # use "cls" for Windows/DOS # system "clear"; # use for Linux/UNIX $aj = "36"; $jenn = "35"; $amy = "36"; $lj = "30"; if ($aj > 40) { print "aj won\'t be 40 for 4 more years."; } else { print "aj is turning 36 in less than a month."; } print "\n\n"; if ($aj > 40) { print "It must be at least 2010."; } elsif ($aj < 30) { print "It must be 1998."; } else { print "It must be December 4th and AJ is 36 today."; } print "\n\n"; if ($jenn <= 30) { print "Did you know Jenn is 30?"; print "Only if this is the year 2000." } unless ($amy eq 36) { print "It isn\'t Amy\'s birthday yet, is it?"; } $me = 15; $kipp = 0; until ($me <= 20) { $age = $me++; $kage = $kipp++; } @pets = qw(Leo Stasia Wolverine Storm Phoenix Shadowcat Chance Lizzie); foreach $pet (@pets) { print "$pet\n"; $count++; } print "Fait accompli...I printed all $count of my current pets!\n\n";